This is NILA - Nordic Interior Landscaping Association
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association makes demands on its members
To become a member of Nordic Interior Landscaping Association, the business must be financially stable, have documented industry experience and carry a serious professional practice. To procure services from a business associated with Nordic Interior Landscaping Association should be a safe choice for the customer.
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association offers support
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association’s quality standard gives both customers and members buying and delivery security. Quality guidelines describe how the plants should be measured and described as well as what quality they should have and in what condition they should be. It also describes what should be included in professional plant services.
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association coordinates
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association assures that the members’ employees are given continual training and therefore always possess the latest knowledge in modern interior landscaping.
Our work revolves around environments with living green plants
Nordic Interior Landscaping Association (formerly SVIR and Nordic Green) is an association of independent, serious and environmentally conscious businesses that work with interior landscaping. Nordic Interior Landscaping Association’s aim is to spread the industry’s knowledge on the values of having living plants in private and public environments.
The trade association Skandinaviska Växtinredare (SVIR) was founded in 1996. During the autumn of 2002, Norwegian businesses were invited to a collaboration and the result was a Scandinavian trade association. What all member businesses have in common is that their work revolves around environments with living green plants. In 2012, SVIR wanted to evolve its trademark and changed name to Nordic Green. And in 2021 the name changed to Nordic Interior Landscaping Association (NILA).

Årets Växtinredning 2023 – Dags att rösta!
Årets Växtinredning 2023 – Dags att rösta! Hej alla medlemmar! Nu är det dags att rösta på bidragen i Årets Växtinredning 2023! Vi har fantastiska FEM härliga bidrag i år som alla är gröna, snygga och professionella! Ta chansen att peppa och hylla varandras fina arbeten och projekt! Tillsammans kan vi visa vilka fina miljöer […]
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Årets Växtinredning 2022 – Dags att rösta!!
Årets Växtinredning 2022 – Dags att rösta! Hej alla medlemmar! Nu är det dags att rösta på bidragen i Årets Växtinredning 2022! Vi har tre stycken härliga bidrag i år som alla är gröna, snygga och professionella! Ta chansen att peppa och hylla varandras fina arbeten och projekt! Tillsammans kan vi visa vilka fina miljöer […]
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Annual boardmeeting held 5th of May 2022
Hej alla medlemmar i NILA, Nu är det dags för det årliga årsmötet. Vi ses i Malmö den 5-6 maj. Å föreningens vägnar vill vi rikta ett varmt tack till våra Supplier Partners, som genom sitt ekonomiska bidrag stöttar NILA och utvecklingen av växtinredningsbranschen i Norden. […]
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Foundations for long-term relationships with employees, customers and collaborative partners.