19 February 2017

Big projects carried out in Sweden!

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Bovieran is a right-of-occupancy dwelling concept for people who are 55 years old or older.

Since the summer of 2009 approximately 15 projects have been carried out all over Sweden, and many other projects are still running.

Jon Lans from Växtlaget Sverige and Börje Olin from Mölltorps Växtinredningar run the company called Palmprojekt AB. They have supplied the interior landscaping to the latest two of the winter gardens of Boverian – one in Falun in December 2016 and the latest one in Skövde this January. Palmproject AB uses members of Nordic Green as subcontractors and professional member companies take care of the installations.

The winter garden includes a Japanese section, a Mediterranean section, a Woodland section and a tropical section.

Around 1,750 trees and plants have been supplied to the 1,600m² garden.

The plants are mainly from Spain, but some are also from the Netherlands.

The trees and palms can be up to five meters high.

The plants get their water from an irrigation system that recycles rainwater from the roof of the building. http://savaq.com

Certain animal species are used as proactive biological pest control.

We wish our members good luck in all the projects!

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